Derivative Exchange Launchpad

  1. Derivative Exchange marketing is hard and still unpredictable

  2. 2 choices :

  3. Option 1: PIO launches its exclusive exchange along with the tech, with the risk of taking time to find product-market fit.

  4. Option 2: PIO allows anyone to launch their own exchanges in a few minutes for 100% of the trading fees, benefiting from a portfolio of exchanges.

Option 2 Advantages:

  1. Each Creator Exchange can target a niche. Niches are easier for growth.

  2. Finding the right Exchange founders, running an exchange, and building financial market infrastructure (FMI) are 2 different things. PIO excels in FMI but is not ensured yet to excel in running an exchange.

  3. Low barrier allowing influencers to get their own exchange marketable to their community.

  4. Competing with affiliation competitors by providing 100% trading fees.

  5. When someone has a foot in the door by building something easy, they want to go further, sparking future PIO builders.

Last updated